Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Why I'm a millionaire....

I can tell you now, it's not my bank balance, that's for sure. One day it will be that too BUT what it is that makes me a millionaire is a smile...

a smile from my son, first thing in the morning,
at night, in our special time before going to sleep...
when he looks up at me and smiles...
when I'm in the middle of doing something and turn around, catching him watching me with a great big smile on his face
after I've finished bathing him, he gives me a cheeky little smile and runs to my bedroom so that I can chase him... then he chuckles....
with a million smiles
a million smile each day ... make me a millionaire mum!

thank you Jamie

1 comment:

TAM said...

Great insight. You seem to have the real secret of life figured out. Good luck with your journey.