Monday, November 26, 2007

Google Adwords for Free?

Yesterday I bought the book by Dr Jon Cohen called "Get Google Ads Free". It has caused quite a stir in some forums - some people think it's great while others think it's a cheat. You apparently don't actually get AdWords for free BUT you do learn a technique with it that just about makes sure that you might as well be getting AdWords for free.

So, I've bought the book, you can too if you like, by clicking here and I will be providing you some feedback on how it goes, as soon as I get my adwords working, that is :-)

My suggestion is that you wait until I have read and tested the process but if you find that you can't wait and want to GET STARTED NOW, then please do so and maybe we can compare our results. They say 2 heads are better than one and I would love to be sharing this discovery with others along the way.

Until next time...

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