Friday, November 23, 2007

Missing the boat, well, almost

A concept that I missed while reading the business warriors website was that you can reap the rewards and more importnatly, earn some money, being an affiliate WITHOUT having a website! I had all the pieces of the puzzle in my mind but for some reason I have never thought of it this way, and feel a bit silly for not having done so. What you do is promote the affiliate products on Adsense. Eureka.

Yesterday I popped in at my favourite Seattle Coffee which just happens to be next to Exclusive Books and I meandered over to my favorite section (e-commerce) and found the following book just sitting there - begging to be picked up and read. So I did, settling down nicely with a Cafe Mocha, grande, wild and full of fun (no fun is caffeine free and I don't see much point in that :-)

Anyway, I found the book on Amazon and listed it here for you (over to the right) to have a look see yourself. Oh, and yes, the link is using my newly setup affiliate account with Amazon.

Now I'm going to find a product again on clickbank and see what all the facts and figures mean.

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